Is Cleansing your 101 rule?

Having healthy-looking skin doesn’t come overnight. You have to maintain it regularly with all the basic CTM routine. I have seen many people asking “ Do I need to cleanse twice a day? What is double cleansing?” And more stuff related to cleansing. Cleansing is 101 in your skincare routine and most important. All your make-up, serum or face pack whatever will get effective only if you do your cleansing properly.

When to cleanse your skin?

Cleansing twice a day is a must. Your morning cleansing is a vital part of your daily routine. Morning cleansing helps you to eliminate, repair and regenerate your skin after your sleeping process and also helps you to remove dirt and dead cells built up overnight.

Evening cleanses or before going to bed cleanse is a must. Never leave to bed without wiping your skin and free from make-up because all the day your skin must be exposed to sun, dirt, dust, make-up and sweat which leads to acne if you don’t cleanse it properly. 

Vanya herbal

In my previous blog, I wrote about Vanya face scrub and toner. Now I’m going to review their haldiclear face cleanser. This helps in cleansing your face deeply by naturally removing impurities.

This HALDI CLEAR consists of tulsi and turmeric oil. These are pure essential oils of tulsi and turmeric farmed at the foothills of the Himalayas, are lovingly blended with Himalayan juniper essential oil and aloe vera juice to create a natural cleanser which helps in removing the dirt from your skin.

Turmeric oil helps in brightens your skin with tulsi provides anti-fungal protection combined with the natural astringent properties of juniper. Here’s your safe and natural solution for healthy and youthful skin.

Product price and Link
You can find the product link and price in the link given below

My experience:

Since I have already used their products I never had a second thought and used it confidently. The product was in white with turmeric smell. I took a few amounts and applied all over my face gently and massaged for a few minutes with wet hands. washed my face thoroughly and allowed it to dry. You can complete your skin spa by toning with Vanya Himalayan rose water and moisturizing with the Vanya face cream of your choice. My skin felt so soft and cleansed and I would recommend you guys also to try.
Also I have tried their Pomegranate body scrub which gives you the feel of spa. It is a luxury exfoliate with the peel of pomegranate and orange which keeps your skin moist and rich.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading. Will be back again with more skincare tips and the products. Until then byeee ❤ ❤ ❤

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